We are pleased to announce the next session of Sam Hughes Community School after-school classes starting Monday, March 23 and running through Friday, May 15, 2020.
Please submit your registration form to the school office or email it to lauren.clough@tusd1.org by Thursday, March 12!
Registration Packet:
Please email lauren.clough@tusd1.org with any questions!
Thank You To Our Contributors!
We wish to thank the following individuals who generously directed their Arizona tax dollars to Sam Hughes Community School via the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.
Deepta and Martha Bhattacharya
Alden Corey
Holly Davies
Wieke de Boer and Karl Newell
Dustin Fitzpatrick and Jennifer McIntosh
Ryan and Shannon Gutenkunst
Zoe Holmes
Tyler Meier and Kathryn Patt
Glenn and Johanna Moyer
Sun No
Stephanie Rosenberg
Susannah Schwartz
Amanda Stunes
Rui Wang and Adam Bleier
Joan Thomas and Mike Weingarten
Josephine and Robert Wilson
Archived Registration Packets
2019-2020 Third Quarter Registration Packet:
2019-2020 Second Quarter Registration Packet:
You can contribute to
Sam Hughes Community School at no cost to you!
The PTA has partnered with a Tucson non-profit, the Educational Enrichment Foundation (EEF), to raise money for Sam Hughes Community School.
We are now fundraising for Spring 2020. Our current fundraising will be used for:
To lower tuition for Spring 2020. (Our fall fundraising effort succeeded in lowering tuition from $65 to $45 per class.)
Thank you, contributors! -
To start a need-based scholarship fund.
Various smaller expenses such as background checks for new instructors
Training a second robotics instructor
Additional items as needed by the PTA
Through our partnership with EEF, you can direct your Arizona tax dollars to Sam Hughes Community School. You can contribute to Community School at no cost to you! You can do this through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. (If you are already giving to Sam Hughes Elementary School via the Public School Tax Credit, you can continue to do that. You can claim both at the same time!)
Here's how it works: EEF has set up a fundraising page for Sam Hughes Community School. You make a contribution there, up to $400 for individuals and $800 for couples. Then at tax time, you claim the Charitable Tax Credit on your tax return and get the full amount back on your taxes*.
One person or one couple can make a tremendous difference. Just one couple contributing the full amount of $800 can lower tuition for everyone by $4. A single individual contributing $400 can fund eight scholarships for low-income students. That's eight lives you might change! If you cannot max out, contribute what you can -- and get the same amount back on your taxes. You can help our children at no cost to you! (*For individual tax situations, consult an expert.)
All contributors will be publicly acknowledged in the PTA newsletter and web site (or you can choose to remain anonymous).
Questions? Contact Sam Hughes parent Josephine Wilson at josephine.h.wilson@gmail.com or the
Educational Enrichment Foundation at info@eeftucson.org