Watch this 5-minute video about the Arizona Public School Tax Credit Program. It breaks down the steps for directing your tax credit dollars to Sam Hughes.
Your Tax Credit Dollars
Do More Than
Off-Set Your Taxes
When you choose Sam Hughes as your designated school you are helping generations of Tucson children to become stewards of the land and care for themselves through growing and eating their own healthy foods. If you pay Arizona state taxes, you qualify!
Our school's ecology program is funded with Tax Credit dollars. Through our vegetable and herb gardens, desert habitats and tortoise enclosures, students learn about everything from food growing to seed savings and land care. Our Ecology and Garden programs are taught using the Arizona State Science Standards and students spend time outside each week learning about Tucson’s natural ecology though birding, observations of native plants and so much more.
Find out about our amazing programs and how your Tax Credit dollars make them possible!